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Silabs Cp2102 Driver For Mac

카테고리 없음

by olossosse1985 2020. 1. 30. 20:58


Silabs Cp2102 Driver For Mac Silabs

Equipped with advanced wizard, Driver talent can download and update most of the Silicon Labs drivers, such as Silicon Labs drivers on Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Silicon Labs drivers CP210x drivers, Silicon Laboratories CP210x VCP drivers, Silicon Labs CP2102 driver, Silicon Labs CP2103 driver, etc.

I use several types of on Mac OS X, mostly for playing with / hardware or connecting my HAM radio devices. One of these devices, a Kenwood TH-D72, has a built-in Silicon Labs CP210x chip.

Silicon labs cp2102 driver

The Mac OS X driver is not very stable; it has caused my Mac to crash several times already. Uninstalling this driver is not as easy as uninstalling other applications on Mac; normally, you just drag the app into the trash – done.

Silabs Cp2102 Driver For Mac

Cp2104 Usb To Uart Driver

However, these drivers are supplied in “pkg” (package) format. Uninstalling software packages is a bit more involved.

Silabs Cp2102 Driver For Mac